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December 18, 2023

Flood Repair

 The Robert Frost Public Charter School suffered devastating losses due to flooding on December 18th/19th, 2023. The level of the nearby river rose to over 17 feet during the height of the rainstorm. Historic levels, we are told. Our school, not typically in a flood zone, experienced a surge of over three feet of water throughout our entire lower level. The flood water destroyed the entire contents of two classrooms, including furniture, learning materials, area rugs, laptops, student work, art supplies, etc. The water also destroyed items outside of the classrooms, including both furnaces, a refrigerator, bookcases, additional learning materials, games, puzzles, etc.  

Despite the school having comprehensive insurance coverage, we are not covered for the type of natural disaster that devastated our school community. Unfortunately, as a public charter school in the state of NH, our funding is limited to the per-pupil funding provided by the state, and our budget is very lean. As such, there are no funds in the budget to cover such devastating losses.

Donations to help us repair this damage can be sent to PO Box 1038, Conway, NH 03818

with Flood Repair in the memo.

Thank you for your consideration.


Board Chair:  Juliet Fleischer - D’Avila


Board Treasurer:  Tracy R. Strout

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